Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is a non-traditional form of precision machining that uses thermal energy instead of mechanical force to remove material from a workpiece. It is sometimes referred to as Spark Machining since it utilizes electrical sparks that are near 8000º C to 12000º C.

Wire electrical discharge machining ( wire EDM ) is a process that works by continuously feeding wire electrode under tension on a vertical axis. A voltage is applied through the wire and strikes the grounded workpiece.

The wire used in an EDM machine comes in various grades and purposes. The most common EDM wire in use today is brass wire, produced when the element zinc is added to copper. Brass wire is an alloy of Copper-65 / Zinc-35 ratio.

Types of EDM Wire Offered

  • 65/35 Brass Wire
  • C110 Copper Wire
  • C101 Copper Wire